Our home weatherization workshops are a hit!
We met with Utica homeowners & our friends from the Utica Homeownership Center for a presentation and some hands-on experience on how to weatherize your home so that it stays comfortable in cold winters and hot summers.
We had a great time teaching at the 60th Conservation Education Days!
Our energy advisors got to work with hundreds of kids from local schools and teach them about the benefits of clean energy and the damage extracting and burning fossil fuels can do to our planet.
What is garlic? A vegetable? An herb? A spice? Whatever it is, we had a blast talking to community members at Garlic Fest this year! It was a great opportunity for outreach and education about home energy audits & the EmPower+ program.
Assemblyman Robert Smullen even stopped by to chat!
Energy Advisors Lucas & Juliet got a chance to give away backpacks for the upcoming school year while educating the public on how they can receive a FREE Energy Audit for their home along with other ways to reduce home energy usage!
FARM FEST 2023 was a SUCCESS!!!
The Mohawk Valley Smart Energy Choices Team from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County had a blast sharing and educating the public on how to conserve energy and receive a FREE Energy Audit for their home! Top it off, Our Lead Energy Advisor with the assistance of the Program Coordinator had fun making paper windmills with the kiddo’s to show them about wind energy!
Teaching Energy Literacy in the school classroom with a hands on craft!!
Our Energy Advisors can come to your classroom or event and do the same thing!! Our Energy Advisors have lessons for grades K-12! Reach out to us today to set up your Energy Educational lesson!
The Mohawk Valley Smart Energy Choices Team from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County had fun with all the kids who passed through at the Boonville Oneida County Fair 2023!
The Community Energy Advisors and Program Coordinator were present to answer any questions about our program and saving energy in your home as well as windmill crafting with the kids!
Energy Advisor Austin Davis attended the Herkimer Diamond Days to present and answer and questions about our program and energy saving in homes. Austin showed up with his Solar Panel for demonstration and talked to community members throughout the event.
Lead Energy Advisor Rebecca Walley and Energy Advisor Austin Davis attended the Canal Festival at Sylvan Beach in August. They participated in the “Passport Challenge” for kids with a ring toss game, energy related questions and STICKERS!! What kid doesn’t like stickers?
During this time they also were able to connect with families and present the programs that are offered through NYSERDA!
Was a fun day for ALL!